How many calories should I have per day to release weighting when functional off 500 calories per day? 1,500?

Posted: Sunday, December 5, 2010 by Admin in Labels:

Posted by admin on November 1st, 2010 in Japanese Slimming Capsules 2 Comments

As part of my weight program I’m dieting and doing a ton of running rather than working out like I had been. My goal is to get down to 200lbs by January. I’m currently at about 215 or so, down from about 225 over the summer. I’ve been running between 30-60 minutes per day for a weekly total of about 5-6 hours. I’ve read that 3,500 calories make 1lb of fat so my goal has been to create a deficit of 7,000 calories per week so that means 1,000 less calories per day which means I should be loosing about 2lbs per week. My goal has been to run off 500 calories and reduce my diet by 500 calories per day. The running part is easy, just run for 30 min or longer per day. Diet wise I’ve dropped down to 1,500 calories per day which seems to have worked so far. I wanted to know if you think that’s about right or if I should cut even more to say 1,200 calories per day ala Weight Watchers program, or if 1,500 per day is already pushing it. I’m counting everything I eat and keeping a log and so far I’ve been able to operate on 1,500 calories without feeling extremely hungry or weak during the day, though it’s definitely not the best thing to do for taste. I’ve tried to switch over most of my caloric intake to fruits and vegetables which have higher density but lower numbers of calories so I at least feel full even if I’m consuming less calories. I ask about 1,500 per day because on all the nutritional information on packages they are all based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Is that what a normal person eats? In a lot of the weight gaining and body building books they talk about 2,500 to 3,000 per day, even when trying to slim up. So I wanted to get your thoughts on all of these things. Also besides my 1,500 calories I take the following vitamins once per day: a general multivitamin, a calcium supplement, and a fish oil pill (for omega-3 fatty acids). Thanks in advance for any answers you all might have for me!

Thanks for the answers. As far as numbers, I’m 28, almost 29. I’m 5′11" and I currently weigh right at 215lbs.

Tags: 3 fatty acids , 60 minutes , ala , body building books , calcium supplement , caloric intake , calorie diet , calories per day , density , fish oil , fruits and vegetables , multivitamin , nutritional information , omega 3 fatty acids , quot , thanks in advance , vitamins , weight watchers program
