How do i loosen weighting from my legs???

Posted: Sunday, December 12, 2010 by Admin in Labels:

How do i loose weight from my legs???

I'm a size 10/12 after about a year of eating healthily and doing lots of walking. My legs let me down though. My thighs are wobbly and still quite big. How can i get them thinner too? Thanks...


Try Cycling as it only uses your legs whilst building up stamina. Don't get one of those exercise machines get a proper bike. Just start of with short distances and then lengthen the distance about once a week. if you do too much at the start you'll be cream crackered, your bum will be sore and you won't want to do it again.

You could also try swimming. Hold a float in your hands and just use your legs.

Either way over a few weeks your legs should start to tone up.

Though it might not eliminate fat from your legs especially, it might be best for you to try to add a little muscle to the area to give your legs more of that firm structure and fight that "wobbly" characteristic you described.

Another benefit of the added muscle is that muscle mass increases your metabolism and helps fight fat.

I would do lunges to help shape the buttocks and legs, they require no weights and give a natural, cruvy muscle that suits a woman. The downcast to this approach is that you might actually GAIN a half a size or so, but that depends on your approach.

More reps will keep your muscle lean, but will tighten it up. Check this link for a good reference on lunges.

Good luck.

You cannot spot reduce. It's impossible. However, I am confused as to how your legs can still be 'wobbly' if you walk that much. When I started running, my quadriceps and hamstrings got ripped pretty quickly.

Perhaps you should try running instead of walking-- it's much better exercise, and will definitely help your legs. Also, try doing leg raises, squats, and lunges.

Remember, though, like I said-- you can't spot reduce. The best way to lose weight is cardio-- you can't pick where the fat comes off.

you can't just loose weight from ONE place on your body-- i know, i WISH i could loose my stomach more than LIFE... but you have to loose weight EVERYWHERE to receive results.

Perhaps go to the gym and you will be advised what weight equipment you can use, there is one for your thighs inner and outer, one you have to gently push your legs together against the weights and the other is you push out against the weights.

Or you could try one of those large gym balls that you can pick up cheaply from the shops and sit and try squeezing your inner thighs together against the ball.

All the best!
