StePHan Snap - Engagement Loosen Cutis Astern Angle Passing

Posted: Saturday, November 13, 2010 by Admin in Labels:

StePHan Elasticity ® provides the nutrition your body needs to support your skin's structure and the strength of the cells. As you take StePHan Elasticity ®, you will notice results in your nails and hair as well. For many undertaking a rapid weight loss program, StePHan Elasticity ® could make a significant difference in their skin's ability to snap back to a healthy appearance as they shed pounds and inches. Weight loss doesn't have to result in sagging and loose skin. Nourish your skin with StePHan Elasticity ®.

StePHan Elasticity ® was developed by England's Dr. Peter Stephan as part of his bionutritional therapy line. Skin elasticity is a common concern for people as age begins to show its affects on their appearance, caused by reduced elastin and collagen production.

But the issue of excessive loose skin following weight loss is of greater concern for people on a fast weight loss diet such as Medifast, Optifast, and HMR, or those who have undergone weight loss surgery. If your skin lacks elasticity, it may not rebound as it should when the fat stores beneath the surface begin to melt away. Whether or not you will have excessive loose skin after weight loss can depend on a number of factors, including some beyond your control, such as heredity and age. But one factor of skin elasticity within your control is the nutrition you give to your skin.

StePHan Elasticity ® can help give your skin the nutrients it needs to remain tight and firm even after rapid weight loss, which may mean you can avoid plastic surgery.

It can be discouraging to consider the prospect of being left with the undeniable evidence of your old weight after you've worked so hard to get those pounds off. You've heard about people who've needed plastic surgery to remove folds of loose skin after weight loss.

StePHan Elasticity may be the difference you need to help your skin shrink along with the rest of your body as you lose weight.

I began research and development of a Bio-Nutritional formula to create beauty from within. Together with my team of research associates in Switzerland and London, I developed a new kind of product which would be a modern food supplement for men and women who want to look better; have a healthier younger skin and more youthful appearance. The project was first code-named 'The Skin Pill." This rapidly became StePHan Elasticity * which is the name under which the new product is now introduced to the market.

StePHan Elasticity is a totally natural food supplement, it is not a drug. It contains a scientifically balanced mixture of special proteins which have been developed as an important part of my treatment at my Clinic in London. Elasticity also contains specific vitamins which have long been regarded as effective in improving energy and vitality as well as improving the skin tone and texture together with the muscle tone and vital circulation.

StePHan Elasticity also contains special herbs known to have specific qualities, together with important minerals and other carefully researched ingredients which all work together to enhance the effect of Elasticity.

During the early development of Elasticity, I had exhaustive consultations with patients from all over the world who were subjected to different climates and different types of pollution. The helped me establish the beneficial effects of the formula as it was developed.
