Unleash Burden Loyal | 101 Dieting Tips

Posted: Tuesday, November 9, 2010 by Admin in Labels:

How to loose weight fast or spelled correctly, lose weight fast.  Apparently many people spell this wrong so here is the fat loss info for less than perfect spellers.  Whether you wish to lose 5 pounds or lose 20 pounds or lose 100 pounds or more, the following will help your weight loss goals.

In order to achieve fast weight loss, you need to do the following:

consume fewer calories than you burn burn more calories than you consume

Simple huh?  Yeah, I said the same thing 2 different ways but they are 2 weightloss principals we will expand upon and it will make sense shortly.

Caloric Intake can be reduced by eating fewer meals, smaller meals or low calorie foods.  The trick to longer term weight loss is not to reduce your daily calorie intake too much or your body will go into starvation mode or famine mode.  The body does this to conserve energy (calories) during food shortages or famines.  In order to do this, the body slows it’s metabolism and burns fewer calories while at rest (majority of the time).  To loose weight fast, you must avoid this process or it will slow to a crawl.  If you have a hard time with controlling your appetite, Try this appetite suppressant/carbohydrate burner spray – NATIVE SLIM.

Restrictive diets slow metabolism so we have to work around this fact if we want to achieve our fast weight loss goals.  Eating more but smaller meals keeps the metabolism stoked.  An effective fat reducing strategy is to exclude high glycemic load foods and empty calories.  Sugar and HFCS – high fructose corn syrup are the 2 biggest offenders as empty calories and high glycemic load foods (if you can call them that).  Avoid all junk foods, fast foods, unhealthy snacks, chips, candy, desserts…

Most fruits and vegetables take as many calories to digest as they contain (some take more! = “negative calorie foods”).  The human digestive system needs fiber (fruit and vegetable fiber) for proper digestion and elimination.  Food left in the digestive tract too long begins to putrify and toxins get absorbed into the blood stream.  This leads to many escalating health conditions.  At least one bowel movement a day is necessary to prevent this (2 or 3 is better).

Reduced Calorie Game Plan:

several, but smaller meals as much fruits and vegetables as you can avoid high glycemic load foods – sugars, breads, soft drinks, pastas… avoid nutritionaly “empty calories” – desserts, candies, chips, pastries…

Here it comes – the “E” word many dread – exercise!  Don’t worry it is much easier than you think.  Exercises to lose weight: Walking is a great exercise and a stress reducer (stress increases cortisol hormone release which causes belly fat to accumulate).  Walk at a fast pace for at least 20 minutes at least once day, preferably outside.  Take the stairs instead of elevators or escalators.  Weight lifting is excellent for kicking your metabolism into overdrive and burning many more calories even when at rest.

Here is a 10 minute trick to get your metabolism operating at peak calorie burning all day long.   Oxygen deprivation, no, don’t hold your breath.  If you are out of shape, ease into this and check with your doctor if you have health concerns.  This will force your body into a lung and heart strengthening that benefit you in many ways, especially weight loss.  I would do a 3 minute warmup of your chosen exercise below, rest 1 minute then start.

For 2 minutes at 80% of your maximum, run, bicycle, swim, ski or lift weights… Rest for 1 minute For 1 minute at 90% of your maximum do step 1 Rest for 1 minute For 1 minute at 100% of your maximum do step 1

Obviously you must learn your limits and how to pace yourself for these timeframes.  What this does is creates an oxygen deprivation in your body and kicks your basil metabolic rate BMR into that of an athlete (even though the warmup and entire exercise and three 1 minute rest periods were only 10 minutes!)  This is the fastest way to fitness in the shortest amount of time there is.  Your health and fitness as well as your weight will improve. If you want to investigate the High Speed Fat Loss Program, click here.  There you have it, a condensed how to loose weight fast program (I mean lose weight fast program).

Technorati Tags: fast fat loss, how to loose weight fast, loose weight, loose weight fast, lose weight fast

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Source: http://www.101diettips.com