Tools for weight lose and slimming errors
Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 by Admin in Labels: errors, weight loseLose weight must, of course, the only way to lose weight is not turned into a painful disorder of health!
Here are a few very common mistakes:
"Enema slimming" Some fat people are not fully aware of the fact that it is the cause of overweight, try to lose weight by cleansing enemas. So, be clear enough to realize that obesity is excess fat in fat cells, which in the lumen of the intestine to get well, simply can not and therefore get rid of obesity with any of enemas is impossible even in principle ...
Use for weight loss laxatives Unlike enemas, using laxatives to reduce their weight for a while you can - due to depletion of fat cells. Intensive use of laxatives interferes with the normal digestion and the body, being on a starvation diet, begins to spend to meet its energy needs fat, pending a reserve in the fat cells. But here's the problem - obesity stays with you, and it may even progress.
The fact that only well-digested and assimilated by the body food metabolism and with it increases energy consumption ...
If the digestion is disturbed metabolism slows down, and learned food substances are deposited in reserve in the form of fat ...
From the above it is clear that really lose weight with laxatives is equally unrealistic, as with the help of enemas for weight loss. " However, if you have a marked tendency to constipation, use of laxatives may be useful not only in weight loss, but also necessary.
Attempts to lose weight with diuretics, saunas, massage Neither diuretics or sauna or massage alone can not lead to a noticeable weight loss. Fat does not stand out in large numbers or skin, or kidneys ...
Diuretics - strong medical tool, so use them only on doctor's orders and not for weight loss.
By the sauna and massage should be just the right attitude: lose weight, relying only on them, it is impossible, but in the course structure appropriate to provide for weight loss and massage, and regular visits to the sauna, steam room. Massage activates metabolism in tissues, so it can be used to avoid skin hangs during rapid weight loss. Steam bath helps to remove from the body of harmful residues, and in the process of losing weight they formed quite a lot.
If the advertising offer easy and diets to lose weight during the week at 4-7 kg, keep in mind that we have in mind primarily diuretic effect, sometimes in conjunction with colon cleansing.
Reminder losing weight!
Prolonged use of diuretics and laxatives can lead to malfunction of the kidney and colon!
Use of various stimulants, they can reduce appetite, improve mood. But often drugs for weight loss, especially purchased with hands, contain pharmacologically very strong stuff. Their use can lead to serious violations in the various organs and body systems. Sometimes there is drug addiction and mental disorders ... Upon cancellation of these potions weight not only returns, but also a decrease in vitality, develop depression ...
The use of drugs that reduce appetite-friendly products in this group no. Use tools that connect fat, violating his acquisition of these funds, so-called fat burners, or sinks, violate the absorbability of a number of important components of food, in particular - fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D; so as a result of their prolonged use is deteriorating condition of the skin, teeth, increasing hair loss. Fasting During fasting the number of fat cells does not decrease - they simply lose weight. In most cases, after fasting, starving the fat cells begin to store fat even more actively to support themselves and the body with energy for the case of the following hunger strike.
Lose weight through fasting - not!
Fasting triggers obesity!