Lose weight easily in the spring and summer!

Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 by Admin in Labels: ,

If your weight has become redundant, lose weight at any time of year. Because obesity - it ugly and hard and, worse still, pathogenic ... Why losing weight is best in spring and summer?

 To part with excess weight, a person must do two things: first, to rid your body of its attitude to accumulate fat, secondly, to get rid of fat reserves. Our approach is to shift the body into weight loss mode (by the concept of SP Semenov) for only 1 session at any time of year, but spring is switching occurs most easily: the spring of the body itself is inclined to do so. And get rid of fat reserves is best in summer, when demand for fat and calorie foods is small, so that to comply with the necessary caloric restriction is not difficult. So it turns out that spring but summer - it's time to grow thin!