Perfect body

Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 by Admin in Labels:

The concept of "perfect body", most women immediately include slender slim body without noticeable to the naked eye defects, namely - no cellulite. What is cellulite? This structural change in the subcutaneous fat layer, leading to microcirculatory disturbances and lymphatic outflow. It can be described as stagnation in the adipose tissue, leading to its degeneration. There is no consensus on the issue in the medical community does not exist, many doctors do not consider cellulite disease, but with such a defect can be very successful fight!

To solve the problem of cellulite can normalize its food and thus having adjusted the correct metabolism. The cause of cellulite is not only unhealthy diet, but food "too" correct, varied diet, with which we are trying to achieve the desired ideal. The fact that the sharp jumps in weight and more radical change of diet is detrimental to our beautiful than overeating. Fabrics lose their elasticity, the skin becomes flabby and cellulite feels "at home".

- Forget about the diet, eat a nutritious and balanced
- Remove all fat from the diet, salted, smoked meat and sausage, mayonnaise, fatty dressings, for cooking, use the steamer.
- Correct and healthy diet by limiting the use of coffee and tea, too much alcohol, too, gives a wonderful impetus to the orange peel.
- Limit sweets and pastry, if you do not sweet it is difficult, I prefer dark bitter chocolate
- Replace bad carbohydrates to useful. Be sure to include in your diet of porridge from a variety of cereals, give up the usual bread, replacing it with bread made of coarse flour.
- Include in the diet of more greens and vegetables, they are like nothing else can save us from the excess fat.
- Use the full course of transdermal patches, for example, Fleur de Lis, studies have shown that daily use of the patch significantly increased skin elasticity and reduces the effect of "orange peel".
Nice belly
If you want to remove the stomach quickly, food should not be limited, as it correctly distributed. Drink water to remove the stomach, to as much as possible, regardless of how well your excretory system. Over time, the intestine starts to accumulate a large number of different residues that are decaying, are beginning to provide the body toxins. To guard against this organism is simply forced to defend themselves with water and fat, which serves as a buffer, taking all these poisons on himself and allowing our bodies to function normally. It is important to simply help the body to bring its purification system to normal, and then he himself cope.

Must sport. And not so much in order to remove the stomach, and to bring to tone the muscles to raise the tone had time to stretch the skin and cause it to fall. There are two exercises that will hit the stomach right on target - on the press and the hoop. Twist wrap warms muscles waist, sharply increases the blood circulation and metabolism, respectively, and in the muscles and skin. Also wrap will stretch and develop your abdominal muscles to a rather heavy exercise in the press.


With active anti-cellulite, flabby tummy, we completely forget about the state of our skin, her tone. Arsenal procedure is extremely wide - various massages (a common, lymphatic drainage, cellulite), and wraps, which are still perfectly restore and rejuvenate the skin, and whirlpool with an intense underwater manual massage of problem areas, and the bath with oak or eucalyptus sticks, transdermal patches Fleur de Lis, almost unnoticeable on the skin, due to the interaction of active components normalize microcirculation of the skin, reduce fat, improve overall skin condition.