Some of the physiological causes of

Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 by Admin in Labels:

Overweight after pregnancy. Lot of people who are overweight - it is the women who have started weight gain during pregnancy or developed after it. It does not matter, whether the pregnancy ended in delivery, whether the aborted abortion, miscarriage happened to ... During pregnancy, the mother and the body of the fetus are one unit, and the beginning of pregnancy, the metabolism of regulatory changes in the predominance of construction, storage processes - because the child must grow, make, build ...

For pregnant or breastfeeding women metabolism dominated building processes - the phenomenon of binding, normal. Grief, then, is that sometimes this type of metabolism (the mother) remains, and after pregnancy, after feeding. - Then begins the "brooding" adipose tissue and appears to be overweight. Overcoming the problem is possible only through the restoration of the metabolism of nonpregnant women, the intended modes of energy balance. But before you should, of course, get rid of already accumulated reserves of fat. So the regime of the energy balance should precede the active mode consumption of these stocks. And, as you know, with the help of our treatment switch it can be for one session.

Sports, ARI, influenza, and those extra pounds There are other factors that trigger the regulatory shift metabolism toward the accumulation of excess weight: for example, sports with huge energy consumption, flu, sore throat, sleep disturbance, abnormal catering ... All this affects hypothalamic regulatory centers in such a way that it becomes very likely shift of metabolism toward the accumulation of excess weight. Throughout the period of weight loss should try to sleep, but if you move groups or angina, acute respiratory disease - a week later arrange themselves "Curd day. Former athletes should not try to lose weight in the period to regain the old (sports) the amount of energy expenditure, but a modest increase in its costs - because of the so-called dynamic loads, and it is - walking, running, and so on ...

Food substances affecting the appearance of excess vesaEsche a powerful factor in metabolism, is a specific effect of nutrients on the regulatory centers of the brain. It should be borne in mind that any food product has a specific effect or, in other words, acts mainly on any part of the body. It is well known for medicines: some of them operate mainly on the heart, others - on the liver, and others - on the kidneys, the fourth - on the brain, etc. Similarly, selectively act on the body foods: some are more active on some agencies, others - on the other ... It is important to take into account that all foods can smash into three large groups: one of them are food, annoying centers ergotropic zone of the hypothalamus (ergotropic products), the other - products that annoy centers trofotropnoy zone (trofotropnye products), the third group - Products , whose effect on hypothalamic regulatory centers is very weak. If the human diet predominate trofotropnye products, his body might be tempted to recruit overweight.

By slowing down the metabolic processes and the emergence of excess weight can also lead to a lack of food protein and vitamins.

Adjusting lifestyle - is primarily the adjustment power. In order not to expose themselves to risk falling into a state predisposed to excess weight, have a sufficiently wary of products that may contribute to this: over the course of weight loss significantly limit their consumption, and after not abused.

Treatment of Semyonov - a unique chance to customize the body to lose weight.