Weightiness departure, loosen cutis, operation, and remedies: Q&A
Posted: Saturday, December 11, 2010 by Admin in Labels: Loose Weight image credit: img155.imageshack.us
Losing 130 lbs takes a lot of bulk from under your skin. I have loose skin as a result of my weight loss. I don’t like it much, but it is worth it. You would be surprised at how many people don’t ask this question. It is like it is taboo or something. It is, I must say, pretty embarrassing; but it is a reality of becoming healthy after you haven’t been for so long. The pic to the right is a good example of loose skin. No, I am sorry, It is not my loose skin. I took pictures of mine but I was just to embarrassed. Mine does look very similar though. Here are the questions that I received regarding the loose skin.
My body has adapted some but I am sorry to tell you it has not adapted as much as I had hoped for. I am very disappointed in this and constantly ask for reassurance from my wife about it. One weird thing that has happened though is that I can tell how dehydrated I am by feeling and looking at the loose belly skin. As I said, my skin looks similar to the picture above except that mine is bigger. When people get loose skin from weight loss, it is not just skin. The flap contains glandular material, cells, and skin. I learned that from watching many surgeries. I also have some loose skin on my inner legs and (HAHAHA) butt cheeks. It is funny because I never had a butt in the first place. The skin is not noticeable in these areas and it is minimal. I am not expecting the skin to reduce in size anymore. It has been over a year now. Don’t forget to keep reading. Good resources and more of my story below.
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I have and do consider getting an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). I am scared to death about anesthesia so I am not sure what I will do it. Since my skin is not horrible and I could go without a shirt in public by pulling my shorts up a bit, I am not sure if the benefits outweigh the risks for me. My wife agrees with this being a nurse and all. The idea of getting it removed is always on the back burner for me. What do you guys think? Should I get it taken off? Would you want to get yours removed if resources were not an issue?
On another note, the quick fixes don’t work as far as I can tell. Any place you try and learn about alternative methods is usually very infomercial like. I don’t trust that. The whole thing is a personal issue that weighs in on each persons skin elasticity, make up, and weight loss rates and pounds lost.
Here are some good, balanced, and objective resources on this subject.
After Losing Weight, Will I Have Extra Skin?
How do I get rid of loose skin after weight loss?