Unleash Cutis From Weighting Passing
Posted: Sunday, December 19, 2010 by Admin in Labels: Loose WeightYou do not have to suffer from loose skin after weight loss. Its true, I too was afraid to lose a significant amount of weight for fear of having excess skin. I didn't want to lose a bunch of weigh and then find out I would have to spend a ton of money on plastic surgery. I took biology classes in college and knew that my skin was an organ, with the ability to do amazing things, surely I could shrink my skin after weight loss.
With a little research I found several secrets for preventing and treating loose skin.
If you're looking for a weight loss program to follow, keep in mind that crash dieting alone or losing a ton of weight will only creative more hanging skin. Why is this? First of all, your body will not only burn fat, but you will burn muscle as well. Your skin needs tissue to conform to, regardless if it's fat or muscle. If you gain muscle while losing weight, chances are your skin will shrink to your new body.
What else can I do to treat my loose skin?
Stay hydrated! Our bodies are over 75% water, and your skin needs water to thrive. It's a good idea to consider that what you may think is loose skin is actually body fat trapped under your skin that still needs to be lost. Even though you've lost a lot of weight already, you may still need to lower your body fat count. Once you start losing fat and gaining muscle your body will look and feel better than you ever imagined.