Friday, December 24, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Is Loose Skin After Weight Loss Inevitable?
Loose skin after weight loss is one of the most common problems that people who lose weight have, but what can you do about it?
Is it an inevitable consequence of weight loss?
The answer is yes and no as there are a number of factors that will determine whether loose skin will be a problem.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
How many calories you need to burn in a day depends on how many you eat.
If you're cutting down your caloric intake, you will need to burn fewer calories in exercise.
Your calorie deficit needs to be 500 cals a day to lose a pound a week.
Find how many calories you NEED to live (your BMR):…
MULTIPLY this by your normal activity amount (your job, etc., not your exercise):…
Most people think about losing some weight at some point in their lives. But the question is usually how to lose weight for the best possible results without having to do too much to achieve it.
Loosing weight does not get any easier than this. Are you tired of all the weight loss options that just don’t work?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Now though many of these people are beginning to realize the dangers involved with being over weight and are looking for ‘lazy’ ways as such to burn fat and reduce their size. Unfortunately there are no real ‘lazy’ ways to lose weight but losing weight doesn’t have to be painful and certainly it does not mean going without many of the things in life you love. I am going to cover some simple ways for anyone to lose weight naturally in this article and once you have read them you may wonder why you never thought of them yourself.
Looking for a dependable way to loss weight fast? Stop wasting your time with the latest fad diets and miracle pills. The only proven method for weight loss is to eat better and exercise more. You will see better results by gradually making these adjustments as part of an overall healthier lifestyle instead of as a temporary crash diet. This article will suggest a few nutritious foods you can eat that will also fill you up.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Weight gain post-menopause affects most women to varying degrees. I can tell you that our community of menopause goddesses has struggled with this symptom again and again. We lose, gain, and lose again.
Our metabolic rate has slowed to a crawl. You would think that this slowdown would be more than offset by calories burned through our hot flashes. Literally. And those goddesses who suffer 30 hot flashes per day should be wasting away, regardless of caloric intake. But in seeming defiance of all natural law, the scale tells us we are getting heavier. We look at our favorite fatty, sweet, carbo-loaded treats and we gain weight. We eat ?healthy? food and we gain weight. We don?t change our eating habits at all and we gain weight. Some of us starve ourselves and we gain weight. We diet fiercely, trying to shed extra poundage. South Beach, Medifast, Ornish, Atkins. Jenny Craig, Nutrisystems., Weight Watchers. Among the Venuses, we have collectively tried ALL of these at one time or another with varying (read not permanent) success. And each year, it gets harder to fit into our skinny clothes.
When a friend first told me about Leslie Sansone's in home walking program, I was skeptical. It sounded a little too easy. How could I possibly lose weight doing something so easy? Then she showed me some of the steps and even brought the video in for me and my other co-workers to try during lunch. I was hooked.
Monday, December 20, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Loose Skin After Weight Loss And What To Do About It I receive a lot of e-mail from people with loose skin or from overweight people who are concerned about having loose skin after they lose the weight. In fact, this is one of the biggest concerns and most frequently asked questions I receive from men and women who have a lot of weight to lose.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
I'm a male 23 years old. I was 300 lbs. and now I'm 185 lbs. The problem is I have excess skin just above the penis area and around my stomach. Is there any exercise I can do to get rid of it? I work out a lot. What procedures are available to get rid of this? It’s really upsetting me. Please can you help and tell me how I can tighten this area? Thank you!
You do not have to suffer from loose skin after weight loss. Its true, I too was afraid to lose a significant amount of weight for fear of having excess skin. I didn't want to lose a bunch of weigh and then find out I would have to spend a ton of money on plastic surgery. I took biology classes in college and knew that my skin was an organ, with the ability to do amazing things, surely I could shrink my skin after weight loss.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
There's a lot of people out there that seem to
have this problem. The most likely reason for
it, is because they have lost so much weight
so fast without their bodies having a reasonable
amount of time to adapt to its new environment.
This is a result of what happens when you lose
a lot of weight too quickly, if you have read my
healthy ways to losing weight article then you know
what I'm talking about. This is also common in
people that have just undergone surgery for
weight loss.
If you haven't lost the weight yet, why are you worried? This is a problem that has yet to come.
My friend is much healthier since she lost her weight, but the damage of carrying that extra load all those years still lingers. She has a disk problem in her back and she had a hip replacement. She needs a cane or a walker to get around. Winters are a scary time for her. Her biggest fear is slipping on the ice. Please don't worry about the extra skin. You can deal with that problem when it arrives!
Friday, December 17, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Welcome to our Obesity Forum / Weight Loss Forum / Diet Forum.
Obesity continues to affect more and more people both directly and indirectly, and we're here to help. Our Obesity Forum / Weight Loss Forum / Diet Forum offers a place to talk about the latest obesity studies, information on obesity, childhood obesity, healthy recipes (such as the atkins diet), obesity surgery, diet pills, exercise, weight loss support issues, and more.
Green tea has become a good alternative for people who want to have a better health and good life. Green tea have come as an inexpensive alternate to the weight loss plans for many people. Green tea is more viable option to lose weight as they can be used in place of normal tea which consists of high amount of caffeine. Moreover green tea can be drunk without milk or any other sweeteners so it even controls the fat producing capacity of the body.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Magic way to lose weight as fast as it possible and in the most healthy way for your organism way. New methods by the most famous dietitian Joanne Larsen. She wrote wonderful eBook and here are some quotations from it.
Loosing weight does not get any easier than this. Are you tired of all the weight loss options that just don’t work?
If you like to loose some serious weight get some help with the wonderful product of Alli Weightloss.The Russians, Turks and Arabs living near the Black Sea and in Asia Minor chew sunflower seeds as Americans chew gum.
Every Russian home in that region has a bowlful of sunflower seeds to be dipped into at all times, as our homes provide dishes of bonbons. This custom arrived in some parts of the United States where immigrants from Russia settled. In the Dakotas, for instance, several decades ago the school children were encouraged to eat sunflower seeds, called ‘Russian peanuts.’ Within the last several years, various scientists over the country have made studies to ascertain the nutritional values of the sunflower seed. An experiment conducted at Indiana University to compare sunflower seeds with wheat germ, corn germ and soybeans obtained these results:
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
?Doctor, Why Can’t I Loose Weight and by the Way Why Do I Feel Sick?
This the number one question heard in my office and in physicians’ offices throughout America. There is a strong relationship between weight gain, difficulty in loosing weight and feeling sick. Candida Albicans, an opportunistic fungus, is often the link between weight gain, feeling ill and the difficulties people have with loosing weight. Focusing on removing Candida Albicans from the body rewards the dieter with a feeling of well being and weight loss that is steady, sustainable and healthy.
blog comments powered by Disqus Questions and Answers
Can Anyone Tell Me How To LooseWeight A Healthy and Quick Way?, I am 15 years old and I weight 255 and my height is 5'11. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to loose weight a healthy way and quickly. I want to do this diet right and I know at the weight I am right now, I have to loose around 70 pounds to be at a healthy weight. I have already cut out all cokes and I am gradually cutting out my snack intake and eating more fruits and vegetables. I have also been exercising more, but it seems to not be helping. If anyone can help me, please do.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Alyssa Milano's face is immediately recognizable to millions of baseball fans, from her prominent roles in such TV series as "Melrose Place" and "Charmed" to her presence as a longtime Dodgers season-ticket holder. Now her new line of women's MLB apparel is about to become very recognizable as well.
Monday, December 13, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Anonymous says on 2/Feb/10 The picture with the 5 feet sign is irrelevant.
First, she clearly is wearing Chuck Taylors which are like 1/2". Don't believe me? Well she is wearing the same outfit in the pick with Jeff Francis where she is sporting Chucks, so the pics must have been made the same evening.
It was the last straw. My back was sore, my eyes were tired, and I felt horrible about myself. I had spent another day unemployed, sitting on the couch and eating junk food. It wasn't really the economics of the situation that made me feel despair. I did have some money saved up, and would probably be alright for another six months if I had to be. It was my weight. I was fat. I was obese. I was a tub of lard, and I knew it. I needed to figure out how to lose weight fast.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
How do i loose weight from my legs???
I'm a size 10/12 after about a year of eating healthily and doing lots of walking. My legs let me down though. My thighs are wobbly and still quite big. How can i get them thinner too? Thanks...
- Fast weight loss and how to avoid loose skin Expert: Tanya Zilberter, PhD - 7/9/2007
hi i am 20 years old and i weigh 208 pounds and i want to get down to 145 by my 21 birthday party in June how can i do it? also if i lose 65 pounds will i have loose skin?
1. Try this program, it's online and costs you nothing:
Saturday, December 11, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
image credit:
Losing 130 lbs takes a lot of bulk from under your skin. I have loose skin as a result of my weight loss. I don’t like it much, but it is worth it. You would be surprised at how many people don’t ask this question. It is like it is taboo or something. It is, I must say, pretty embarrassing; but it is a reality of becoming healthy after you haven’t been for so long. The pic to the right is a good example of loose skin. No, I am sorry, It is not my loose skin. I took pictures of mine but I was just to embarrassed. Mine does look very similar though. Here are the questions that I received regarding the loose skin.
Hi...I can't offer advice in terms of nutrition really (I was the opposite of raw when I began having issue with this), other than don't eat what I ate! What I did want to share though is that even with atrocious nutrition, I found certain body massage techniques incredibly effective. I had loose skin with stretchmarks, which was pretty much a lose-lose scenerio. I even dished out thousands of dollars on laser treatments, and I can tell you, the drybrushing and massage techniques I did (while incredibly unhealthy) worked better. Since eating raw (not 100% yet), I am noticing changes I never ever thought I would see in the loose skin I have. The combination of raw food, dry-brushing, water showers, and coconut oil have literally changed my skin back to something far closer what it originally looked like. I never thought that was remotely possible, but it IS possible, and I imagine things only get better! Tonya Zavasta talks some about skin-tightening and transformation in her first book, and she addresses raw foods from a beauty perspective. Check out her website! Honestly, eating raw in general will bring about great changes, and you will not need to restrict yourself to just fruit. Start with a green smoothie every morning and experiment in the kitchen with some recipes that appeal to you. I know people use MSM supplements to strengthen the skin and promote collagen growth - couldn't hurt to try! As a former junkfood-aholic, I would recommend one green smoothie (or two a day), an interesting salad filled with stuff you enjoy for lunch, and a raw soup. Or add one healthy cooked meal a day. Search the recipes on this site! If you crave sweets, dates with coconut flakes, prunes, fruits of all kinds help shift your cravings. If you search "rich cheddar" in recipes, you should find a nut cheese recipe pop up that is to to die for in my opinion! Sultaria recommended a protein supplement - protein is a crucial part of collagen production, so adding a raw, vegan protein supplement is a great idea. Good luck and congrats!
Friday, December 10, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
If you want to look slimmer quickly, follow the tips given below:
Not only are vertical- and pin-stripes slimming, but asymmetrical stripes such as miter stripe blouses and tunics also work. They have a lengthening effect on your upper body.
Wear clothes which fits your body type - Don’t delude yourself and try and squeeze into a size smaller than you really are. The important point to remember is clothing needs to fit well in order to make you look slimmer.
Well its just plain and simple. I need to drop at least... 10 pounds and hopefully before march 20th. In the past 6 months I gained 30 pounds. Then lost 15. But I feel like im gaining it again. And I want to loose at least another 10 before march but dont know how. I dont have alot of time to work out or anything due to school and work. So I was wondering if anyone had any helpful Diet tips. Please please please help me!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Are you looking for some easy ways to loose weight fast? Loosing weight can be difficult for many people, but it does not have to be. Weight loss can actually turn into a fun hobby, you just have to know how to get started and not overdo it. Take a quick look at these options of loosing weight and you will see it doesn’t have to be as bad as some make it out to be.
Weight loss is really quite simple; there are only two things you need do to reach your goals:
1. Restrict daily calories to 1600 calories per day. By increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat, you will be able to keep your intake at this level without feeling hungry or uncomfortable.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Author: Tom Venuto, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, author of the #1 best-selling e-book Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
If you're extremely overweight or if you've been extremely overweight in the past, then you know that getting rid of excess weight is only one of the challenges you face. Once the fat is gone, you are often confronted with an equally frustrating cosmetic problem; Loose skin.
(Update June 27th: Star Jones has been fired from The View. See details below.)
Star Jones will reveal her weight loss secret next week. She has lost about 150 pounds and lost it very quickly. A lot of people are speculating she did this with the help of weight loss surgery; a gastric bypass.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Like I know it’s unhealthy to loose 5 lbs per week but I want to because I need to. And to answer your question peo[ple I am actually overweight and need to loose fat. SO any suggestions besides the usually of eat healthy, exercise and get rest. Like what to eat in a day and how to exercise would be great.!
ways to weight loss - - Posted on November, 1 at 2:43 pm
I want to be completely honest with you and share a remarkable life changing weight loss solution that has not only benefited me but a good long friend of mine. It is a know fact that 64 percent of people are overweight in the US where 27% of Americans are classified to being obese. If that is you I can confidently say that I understand what you are going through as I used to be in this same category of people who just want to feel free.
Monday, December 6, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Admit it once in your life you have tried to starve yourself to loose weight. Okay you are forgiven. Well nobody can blame you if you really wanted to fit in the gown you will wear for your friend’s wedding. Or let us say you just skipped lunch or ate crackers all week to loose those stubborn pounds.
requires feed heating that marilyn and i will probably be Basic we need to have our very own HCG diet meal plan. This could possibly Dui attorney miami almost everything very much simpler Over us. Does one To actually wild weight And additionally pregnant? Qualified pool healthiest solution to do, That would prep an so much Also healthy meal at hand and your own baby.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Posted by admin on November 1st, 2010 in Japanese Slimming Capsules 2 Comments
As part of my weight program I’m dieting and doing a ton of running rather than working out like I had been. My goal is to get down to 200lbs by January. I’m currently at about 215 or so, down from about 225 over the summer. I’ve been running between 30-60 minutes per day for a weekly total of about 5-6 hours. I’ve read that 3,500 calories make 1lb of fat so my goal has been to create a deficit of 7,000 calories per week so that means 1,000 less calories per day which means I should be loosing about 2lbs per week. My goal has been to run off 500 calories and reduce my diet by 500 calories per day. The running part is easy, just run for 30 min or longer per day. Diet wise I’ve dropped down to 1,500 calories per day which seems to have worked so far. I wanted to know if you think that’s about right or if I should cut even more to say 1,200 calories per day ala Weight Watchers program, or if 1,500 per day is already pushing it. I’m counting everything I eat and keeping a log and so far I’ve been able to operate on 1,500 calories without feeling extremely hungry or weak during the day, though it’s definitely not the best thing to do for taste. I’ve tried to switch over most of my caloric intake to fruits and vegetables which have higher density but lower numbers of calories so I at least feel full even if I’m consuming less calories. I ask about 1,500 per day because on all the nutritional information on packages they are all based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Is that what a normal person eats? In a lot of the weight gaining and body building books they talk about 2,500 to 3,000 per day, even when trying to slim up. So I wanted to get your thoughts on all of these things. Also besides my 1,500 calories I take the following vitamins once per day: a general multivitamin, a calcium supplement, and a fish oil pill (for omega-3 fatty acids). Thanks in advance for any answers you all might have for me!
Acomplia [Rimonabant] is an oral diet pill. Acomplia is the first diet pill of its kind to have an additional function as an antismoking drug other than weight loss drug. The active ingredient and main component of Acomplia is Rimonabant. Rimonabant is an anorectic anti-obesity drug. The main avenue of effect is reduction in appetite. It works by blocking Cannabinoid receptor CB1 one of two receptors found in a newly described physiological system. It plays a critical role in the regulation of food intake and energy loss. It also works as an antismoking pill by blocking the CB1 receptors of the brain generally known as ‘pleasure centre’ of the brain and interferes the cycle of craving and satisfaction and making the hunger for smoking more manageable. These receptors are present throughout the body notably in fat cells apart from hypothalamus region of the brain. They work by reducing dependence on tobacco suppressing appetite and restoring balance in the system. Some analysts have started considering Acomplia as a heart drug because major cardiovascular risk factors are smoking and obesity.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
The weight loss and general fitness business is a multi-billion dollar industry. There’s no shortage of companies ready to sell you every product, supplement, wonder drug and fitness kit available – all guaranteed to help you lose weight and get ripped within a short period of time. The large majority of such products are a waste of your money and your time. However, there are some items that are worth investing in if you want to lose weight, get fit or both.
Fatness is the accumulation of undigested food that are consolidated in the stomach.In order to stay alive then you need the following keys below to serve as wacthlist when you want to eat.
Eat the right food at the right time and don’t starve yourself due to your weight.
Drink plenty of water to flush out the undigested food remain in your body.
How to lose weight effectively is something that a LOT of people want to know but very few actually find out. If you want to know about the methods to effectively lose weight then this article is for you.
Loosing weight does not get any easier than this. Are you tired of all the weight loss options that just don’t work?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
Admit it once in your life you have tried to starve yourself to loose weight. Okay you are forgiven. Well nobody can blame you if you really wanted to fit in the gown you will wear for your friend’s wedding. Or let us say you just skipped lunch or ate crackers all week to loose those stubborn pounds.
When losing weight can alter your body and upbeat for the outmatch, for those who mortal managed a whopping weight reaction it can make new problems. If metric failure has been achievedspeedily, the palmy dieter can be manus with sandy strip, especially around the stomach. There are numerous products which quest to change pare, however their results are minimal. Surgery is an option in extreme cases, but before considering such a option, it’s designer shadowing these steps.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
by Admin in
Loose Weight
If you want to know how to lose weight after having a baby there is no special way or secret method. It’s much more straightforward. You need a certain amount of determination to succeed willpower to stick your routine a well-balanced diet that is lower in fat and a realistic exercise regime that you know you can stick to.
To Loose Weight – Best Diets – How To Loose Weight From Your Stomach
The problem of overweight has been a general problem that is experienced by many people in the world nowadays. If in the past it was fine to have any shape of body that we like since it will affect nothing in our life it is not that simple in recent time. There are so many aspects in life that require people to have the fit body no matter what they are doing or their occupation in the society.