Weight Loss Products. Worth their weight in Gold!

Posted: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 by Admin in Labels:

These days you can’t turn on the T.V or radio without being bombarded with commercials selling the latest all singing, all dancing, weight loss product. The same can be said of the glossy magazines racked up at virtually every checkout through-out the country, they are all full of advertisements for the latest dried frog testicle formula guaranteed to make you lose weight! Who are they really trying to fool?
There are green tea pills, seaweed essence formulas, products that speed up your metabolism, (now there’s a thing, because the other most common commercial tends to be for youth products, and here we are trying to speed up our body clock and make us age faster!), and products that make suppress your appetite. The list of things to make you lose weight is endless. And they all have one thing in common. The only weight they are going to absolutely guarantee you lose is that of your hard earned cash!
Ok, so we all know that being to grossly overweight is bad for our health. It places undue stress on our heart, and generally because of the type of food eaten, it puts too many products such as cholesterol into our body which lead to other problems, to say nothing of the vast array of preservatives and additives that are added to food these days.
Some excess weight in some people can be attributed to glandular problems, but only in a very small percentage. You hear the excuse all the time, ’oh I’ve got glandular problems’, or ’I've got big bones’. Rubbish! The vast majority of people that are overweight are that way for one reason and one reason alone. The hole that food enters our body is larger than the one that the waste product leaves our body, (Yes, I know I’m talking Sh1t). The only truly tried and tested way of keeping our bodies at a sensible weight is by observing a moderately healthy diet and maintaining a reasonable level of exercise. By reasonable I don’t mean running a marathon twice a week and spending hours, and a small fortune on Gym fees. You don’t have to have the schedule of an Olympic athlete. Above all the most important thing to exercise is your will power. Most overweight people will sit glued to the couch day after day, stuffing chips and ice-cream down they’re throat like it’s the last meal, and then wonder why they need an electric cart to get around the store at the weekend.
Apart from that, the most popular form of exercise is handing over your hard earned cash for the next miracle weight loss program. Let’s face it, the only real weight loss you can be assured of this way, is the loss of the weight of your money from your wallet, not to mention that the bank balance of the company that sold you the product is as soon overweight as a high percentage of people!
Read the small print before you buy, it’s says somewhere that the product only works when used in conjunction with a carefully controlled diet! They are selling you something that doesn’t work unless you restrict your calorific intake, which will make you lose weight anyway, without the expense of the "weight Loss Product".
We are being programmed by people that want to take our hard earned money from our pocket and put it into theirs. Lose weight by taking our product they say, yet all we really have to do is exercise a little self control and discipline.
Weight loss is a personal war that many fight a daily losing battle in. Get off the couch, keep your money in your pocket and start working it off!